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Our Mission

Let us Introduce Ourselves!

We are a 501c3 religious organization based in Dallas, Texas, USA. We have been embarking on mission trip to Nigeria since 2009 and in 2011 we visited some few places taking the “War against Cancer” awareness all over.


We believe in the Trinity: God the Father who created us in His image and after His likeness; the Lordship of our saviour Jesus Christ who died on the cross as a remission of our sins and set right with the Father thereby saving us form the clutches of the evil one; the Holy Spirit who is ALL of the Father, our guide and Leader. We believe so strongly in God that we are willing to commit our lives to Him and live the way we know He wants us to live.


How we help the Refugees

In the last few years, we have had multiple mission trips to Africa and helped hundreds of Refugees including children and adults. You can be part of this cause

Recurring donations 45%
One-time donations 70%

The ways to help others in the best possible way




Donation Info


How we work

Our Ojectives

Speeding the love of God through humanitarian services.

  • Maternal health disease prevention,
  • Emergency response
  • Strengthening health care system,
  • Both physically and spiritually strong
  • Promote and educate safe births
  • Educate public on environmental pollution and sanitation
  • Give light and hope to those with disabilities
  • Drink clean and safe water
  • Global outreach for encouraging healthcare workers in villages all over Africa and other countries,
  • Providing safe food for consumption in poor rural areas, Meeting community needs, combating malnutrition.
  • Clean up in community. Keep environment beautiful,
  • Helping to reduce and eradicate cancer and other diseases.
  • Increasing survival rate of cancer if diagnosed,
  • Generally raise awareness to help prevent cancer and sickness. It’s total WAR AGAINST CANCER and other sickness/diseases it’s indeed (JICU; Jesus Intensive care unit)
  • Both spiritual and physical precautions.